Heavy-duty anodized aluminum withstands constant use Mount on wall for easy access Crank handle to dispense uncorded earplugs Ideal for large factories and process industries that have zero tolerance for packaging waste Matrix, Max, Max Lite, Laser Lite, MultiMax and Quiet bulk refills available Holds 500 pairs of uncorded earplugs

The Leight Source 500 provides a highly visible, user-friendly, permanent hearing protection center. Built with heavy-duty anodized aluminum and designed for wall installation, the Leight Source 500 dispenses earplugs with a simple turn of the handle, providing a hygienic and economical source for earplugs. The Leight Source 500 is ideal for large factories and process industries that have zero tolerance for packaging waste.

Honeywell Leight Source 500 Earplug Dispenser

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